We also have in-house private lending options like 40 and 50-year mortgages that are equally compounded and interest-only vs. traditional 30-year fixed mortgages, putting all your amortization in the first 7 years.
We offer blockchain real estate investing. Earn 12 percent per year as one of our private investors. Fractional home ownership allows you to buy 30 percent (or more) of a home. Then, we share in the equity, like a partner. That’s how our name, Two Keys One Door, was born!!! We believe in home and real estate ownership for all. Today, home ownership is at an all-time low.
As a buyer, get pre-approved as a fractional homeowner or lease to own. We have in-house private lending options like 40 and 50-year mortgages that are equally compounded and interest-only vs. traditional 30-year fixed mortgages, which puts all the amortization in the first seven years.
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